Tuesday, February 5, 2008

2 months is a perfect time between blog entries...

We are sorry about the delay between blogs, we hope you don't boot us from the blogging fraternity. Here are some pics of Noah doing his baby thing. He is just starting to get used to his Jolly Jumper as you can see. Noah loves cruising in his red 1998 convertible Chevy Cavalier, just look at that smile. In January Noah hung out on his jungle gym with his new friends Halle and Tanner, they had a great time.
This weekend we are taking Noah on his first trip out of PG city limits. We are going to go Big White for a whole week with Grandma, Grampa, the Costley's, Breedvelds and the Heide's (expect Big White pics in July). After Big White I'm (mike) going to Vancouver for schooling for 3 weeks where I will be starting my Parts man apprenticeship. It will be tough to be away from Julie and Noah for that long.
Anyway, we hope you enjoyed these pics and we will try to get more up sooner than the time between this one and the last.


theBreedvelds said...

THANK YOU!! I've been wondering how long it would be for me to get to see my little nephew! That's not nice to make me wait so long! :)

Chris said...

Yeah Mike where's your dedication? I'm checking in from LAX. Great pictures. Man we're bored here. Have fun in Big White. See you soon.