Monday, July 14, 2008

How crazy is my cat? You Tell me...

I know it is good if your pets are defensive of their homes but sometimes Kona takes it a bit too far. There was a cat out the window that was taunting Kona pretty bad and she hated it as you can tell. This went on for several minutes before I put and end to it fearing that Kona would hurt herself trying to go through the window. Sorry about the poor shot, my night shot is on the fritz.


Mike, Julie, Noah, Eve and Lily said...

She is so crazy. I wish i was there to see her. That other Cat should come by our house more often. Then maybe Kona would eventually stop freaking out and actually behave normal. I doubt it.


Mike, Julie, Noah, Eve and Lily said...

My Dad just saw the video and said we have to get rid of her. She is tooo crazy!

D J E and M Huber said...

Funny little cat! Cats are just really territorial.

Mike, Julie, Noah, Eve and Lily said...

Jules, tell your dad that Kona was being so nice to me while this was going on. She was so mad at that cat and then would come snuggle me. That cat was taunting her pretty bad, he kept charging at the window and then that would make her go nuts.

Chris said...

Sweet. So far Pippi has only had one encounter through the sliding door. It was much less eventful than that.

Monica and Jim said...

Hey is it still ok for Bauer to stay at your place for the two weeks were moving.