Sunday, February 14, 2010

Back in PG

After spending a fun 3 weeks down in Vancouver with the Breedveld's I got back to PG and back to the usual... The kids changes lots when I was away. The girls are smiling way more and getting chubby and Noah started singing songs such as his ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle and Running Over.
We have been enjoying the warm weather here in PG and we wonder if this will keep up for the rest of winter or if we will be able to cross country ski or skate this before spring comes. Twins and a 2 year old make these things so much harder then in the past.
Not much planned for the near future (other than watching lots of Olympics). In the middle of March we will do a Naegeli family ski trip to Big White and that will be a fun time in the condo and on the slopes.
Here are some pictures of the kids from the last month for you all to enjoy.

1 comment:

theBreedvelds said...

Wow! The girls are getting so big!! I can hardly wait to see them again - less than a month!!!