Friday, June 18, 2010

Lovely Spring

Hi Everyone,
We are enjoying nice spring weather and the whole family is loving it. Noah is loving his custom water slide and yes he has been doing the Ethan Costley "Speedee Bum" special and he thinks it is great. The girls have also enjoyed the pool and all the outside time that they have been getting.

For all of you avid guessers can any of you tell the girls apart in these pictures?


Chris said...

In the picture of the two girls together, Lily is next to Eve. Easy peasy :)

frances said...

I think in the pictures in the swings, Eve is the bottom and Lily is the top picture.
Please tell me I'm right!

frances said...

Okay, the other picture, Eve has the soother, Lily doesn't????

theBreedvelds said...

I could only guess! Doesn't that make me worst Auntie ever?? I have no clue which is which! I have a picture of Joel holding one of them - again, no clue!!
As for the pool - lucky northeners! It's still too cold down here.... :(