Sunday, July 18, 2010

Vancouver 2010

We just arrived home from our week long adventure down to Vancouver and it was a blast. There was never a dull moment at the Breedveld's house with 5 kids squawking all the time. We had some great meals, great weather, fun times at the Zoo, Aquarium,Science World, Robson Street, Metro Town, Coal Harbour, Yale Town, Ikea, Centennial Beach, visiting old friends etc... basically we fit all we could into the week and it was a great time. By the second day we got there we busted our point and shoot camera. I must st say that its last shot was a doozie, it was of Uncle Brad lining up a head shot on Noah with the water cannon at the local spray park. Yes Brad, this picture will be used against you.
A big shout out to Brad and Carolyne for letting us stay with them for the whole week, that is a big commitment.


Chris said...

Looks like a great time guys. That water cannon looks like a lot of fun.

Mike, Julie, Noah, Eve and Lily said...

ya it was a great trip and tons of fun consoling your three your old son when he is asking why uncle brad would do such a thing to him ;)

theBreedvelds said...

You made me tired just by reading that! And we didn't even do that all with you! The house sure is quiet now and we look forward to seeing you guys in just a few days! Thanks for the visit!! We loved having you here!