Monday, October 24, 2011

Little Helpers

Eve and Lily helped me today with planting wildflower bulbs in the yard while Noah was at school. They were so cute, they helped me the whole time. Their job was to pass me bulbs from the bucket. There was a few spills but they did awesome. When they got tired they plopped down together on the hill and it was so adorable, I had to go get the camera.
I sure hope that these bulbs make it in the spring, I think they will look neat on the edges of the yard. I will blog about them in the Spring.


Frances said...

What kind of flowers, Mike?
And yes, they are very cute :)

Anonymous said...

Frances, below is a description from the website of what I planted. 100 bulbs worth.

This is a fabulous mix containing different kinds of woodland bulbs including Tulips, Daffodils, Crocus, Iris, Muscari and a few other odds and ends! All of these bulbs have a tendency to multiply freely. For a natural effect, drop the bulbs on the ground randomly and plant them wherever they land. Excellent for shady areas under decicdous trees and shrubs. Each bulb will come back year after year, creating a beautiful sea of colour. Naturalizing bulbs in various sizes.

Frances said...

Nice. Looking forward to spring already.