Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunday Walk

Yesterday Noah, Ethan, J and I went on a hike up the hill behind our house. It was actually really cool. We found lots of bones, mushrooms and nice views. It took us an hour to go up across to the west and down. The boys loved the half way pit stop on "Chocolate Bar Log" as it is now know at our house.


Jim and Monica said...

Sweet!! And I don't just mean the chocolate!

Mike, Julie, Noah, Eve and Lily said...

The boys were really good. They are fun to hike with.

Chris said...

Once they are out hiking, they are great. It's the time before they head out that can be a bit annoying at times.

Mike, Julie, Noah, Eve and Lily said...

not with me, they were chomping at the bit and they knew it was all up hill. it must have been the promise of the chocolate bar...