Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Vancouver weddding

We had a trip to Vancouver this weekend for Julie's cousin Liz's wedding. It was a nice time away and a beautiful wedding. Julie was in the wedding party and i had the duty of videoing the ceremony. We had some nice weather and even went for a few walks around downtown, did some shopping and soaked in the pool and hot tub at the hotel. Good time.


Jim and Monica said...

Wow! Liz looks gorgeous, so does Julie!! And what a beautiful church! Glad you guys had a nice time!

Chris said...

Nice shots. Did you video with your camera? How did that go? Part of me would like to shoot a wedding. The other part is scared to do it.

Jim and Monica said...

You probably looked good too Mike...!!

Frances said...

I love, love your dress Julie! That's one of the nicest bridesmaids dresses ever. Did you each get to pick your own?

Mike, Julie, Noah, Eve and Lily said...

Thanks Frances. Yes i got to pick my own dress. I had a few requirements like color, fabric and a few suggested designers. Everyone picked their own dress.

And Yes Monica, Mike looked good too!
