Friday, February 13, 2009

Random Noah Pics

We have not had any pics of Noah lately so we thought it was time to get some up. Noah is becoming quite the little rascal, he is getting into everything and as you can see he will go to all ends to chase and bother Kona. Who's side of the bed do you think that is with all the junk thrown under it... Julie's I bet.


D J E and M Huber said...

Great pictures. Great hair!

I love the way cats always look suspiciously at little guys. Sort of "I know you're going to grab my tail, and I'm ready for you."

Anonymous said...

Sweet "static head" there Noah.

Oh and Julie's side of the bed looks a lot Frances'

Mike, Julie, Noah, Eve and Lily said...

This is Julie. That is actually Mikes side of the bed. I keep mine clean. Nice try Mike :-)