Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cuddle Time

Here is a picture of Eve and Lily cuddling up with each other, they really like doing it, it probably reminds them of the good old days inside mommy.
The other pic is of Noah cuddling up with his cousin Logan.


frances said...

They look so much alike in that picture. Here I've been telling everyone that I can tell them apart, but I can't in that one. They are so cute - what a nice picture.

frances said...

Eve's on the left, right??

Jim and Monica said...

Wow, they are so great. Do you think you'll be home on Saturday? I started antibiotics today so I should be OK by then to finally hold them!!

Mike, Julie, Noah, Eve and Lily said...

you bet we will be home. i am pretty sure that we are going to be home quite a bit or the next 2 years

theBreedvelds said...

Joel just asked about the top picture, "Who's that hugging me?"
HA HA!! That just cracks me up!

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