Thursday, November 12, 2009

Family of 5

Hey there,
here are a few pics of us as a family and the girls in their seats before we took them home. we are all doing well at home now, let the fun begin, i have Eve in my arms right now as i m typing and it is hard, i guess i better get used to it.


Chris said...

Congrats guys! Everybody looks happy and sane. Let us know when that changes :-)

All kidding aside, let us know if we can do anything for you - big or small. Enjoy those twins!

Jim and Monica said...

And we will understand lack of punctuation and capitalization!! Love those babies and still looking forward to holding them!! If we ever get back to health I'll get a meal together for you guys!!

Jim and Monica said...

That would be from Monica

D J E and M Huber said...

Congrats. So cute!!

Reimer said...

You guys look great...a little stunned though. Poor Noah has no clue what he's in for. Two sisters! Congrats from the Reimers.

theBreedvelds said...

So sweet! Wow, your family has grown quickly! Can't wait to meet the girls. I wish we could be there to help you guys out! Hugs to Noah :)

Ey Team DJ Crew said...

Congratulation to you 5! We wish you all the best! The Ermanni Family - Roberto, Elisabeth, Tamara & Damian