Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hey Geck, Cherry Pie

Hey Geck,
Just thought I would let you know that we made a Sour Cherry Pie tonight... Yes, I am trying to make you jealous. Sorry. Mind you, we haven't tried it yet, it might not be good. :)


Chris said...

Mmmm. Sour or not it looks good. Given enough ice cream I'm sure it will be great.

theBreedvelds said...

Sigh....I'll just repeat what I wrote on Chris' comments - Sucks to be here. Aren't you coming for a visit soon though, huh?? Maybe with a cherry pie??

theBreedvelds said...

Okay - just realized you called me Geck in your title! you know how many random people see that???

Mike, Julie, Noah, Eve and Lily said...

hahaha, that is your name as far as i am concerned.

ps: i tried it and it was good. :)

i will work on bringing one down, maybe.

frances said...

I was hoping Carolyne would say something about calling her Geck. I got in trouble for that a while ago...
Hey, you are who you are.